The Foundation
The Four Pillars are the foundation of DTi Creative’s Marketing Philosophy. These four principles of marketing create the infrastructure for any business to excel and meet their goals year after year. The Four Pillars are Lead Generation, Online Branding, Optimization, and Retention.
Most business owners know the importance of marketing but unfortunately most of them don’t have the extra time to really do what maybe they even already know how to do.
We look at their plan and look at the four pillars and make a decision as one of their consultants. Of which one does it make sense for them to continue doing, to improve doing, or where it just makes sense to pass that off so they can continue do the things they enjoy doing.
Why We Developed the Four Pillars Philosophy?
DTi Creative has been providing creative solutions and a wide variety of services since getting our start in 2010. We began by developing brands, designing logos, creating websites and doing email marketing campaigns. Over time, we added every other digital marketing tactic under the sun, SEO, video, pay-per-click, etc. You name it, we’ve provided it based on our clients’ needs and goals and our ongoing research around what tactics produce results.
However over time, we needed to continue to refine our approach.